I Am Not Your Diversity
What is diversity? This is a question that I have seen answered in two different ways, depending on who is asked.
Unassuming hobbit living in a Midori notebook with a pet fountain pen.
What is diversity? This is a question that I have seen answered in two different ways, depending on who is asked.
Those of us who live in this Land of Inequality, this desert, know there are no black-and-white answers. There is just a long, hard, emotionally exhausting journey of self-evaluation, critical thinking, and cultural study.
OHF WEEKLY, VOL. 5 NO. 29: Editor’s Letter, “There Is But One Fight,” “The Groveland Four,” “America Is Drunk on Racism,” and a quote by Ta-Nehisi Coates.
If the disease “is greed and the struggle for power,” then it is greed and the struggle for power anywhere that we must fight.
Terra Kestrel on the purpose of practice and grace, and what they both make room for.
The Morgan Freeman character that Dr. King has become allows the narrative to center around white people overcoming racism.