Inclusion > Diversity
OHF WEEKLY, VOL. 5 NO. 26: Editor’s Letter, “What Ideologues Don’t Want You to Know about Immigration,” Write with Us, and a quote by Zora Neale Hurston.
Dr. Michael Greiner has worked in politics, in government, and as a lawyer. Now, he teaches, researches and writes about the intersection of politics, government, economics and the law.
OHF WEEKLY, VOL. 5 NO. 26: Editor’s Letter, “What Ideologues Don’t Want You to Know about Immigration,” Write with Us, and a quote by Zora Neale Hurston.
The question of immigration is one of whether we as human beings will allow the better angels of our nature to overcome the biases we inherited from our forebears.
OHF WEEKLY, Vol. 5 No. 15: Editor’s Letter, “Gun Violence in America, the NRA, and Racism,” “The Relevance of Politics,” and a quote by Alice Walker.
As any economist will tell you, resources are limited. Society’s goal is always to make the pie bigger. How the pie gets divided between the few and the masses is where politics comes in.
OHF WEEKLY, VOL 4 NO 39: Sherry Kappel on why we show up to vote; Michael Greiner on two separate strategies politicians and the superrich know that you should know, too; and a quote by Coretta Scott King
OHF WEEKLY, VOL 4 NO 27: Our Human Family, the SCOTUS, and Roe; Frederick Douglass’s 1852 assessment of July 4th’s meaning to the enslaved; Michael Greiner on a favorite strategy of the rich; and Ben Lane on the national anthem, Lady Liberty, and more.