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Love One Another (2024)

OHF WEEKLY, VOL. 6 NO. 7 Let’s stop the denials, the what-aboutism, and the gaslighting and get about the real business of dismantling racism and extending the love of Christ to everyone.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Fond Valentine’s Day wishes to you and your beloveds, a poem by luminous Nikki Giovanni, and links to articles on love–OHF Weekly style.

Love Letters to the Family

OHF WEEKLY, VOL. 5 NO. 6: Editor’s Letter, “Is God Love?,” “My Journey into Blackness,” “On Icons and Justice,” ”Respect and Love,” and “When Confronting Racism, All You Need Is Love. Well, Sort Of”

Is God Love?

OHF WEEKLY, VOL 4 NO 18: Clay Rivers, Terra Kestrel, Michael Greiner, and Rebecca Hyman tackle love in Christianity, surviving and thriving as a Black person in white America, the benefits of restorative justice, and the origins of whiteness

Such a Thing as Grace

What does it take to survive as a Black person in a predominantly white world? Terra Kestrel shares the answer in this letter to her niece, Jayla, inspired by James Baldwin’s “Letter to My Nephew.”

Happy Valentine’s Day

A few inspired words on the transformative nature of love by acclaimed author, poet, and Civil Rights activist Maya Angelou

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