Spare Us the Rebranding of Fascism, Love Like Jesus Told You
From OHF WEEKLY Vol. 5 No. 7. On evangelicals’ sell-out of their faith in the biggest power grab in American history.
From OHF WEEKLY Vol. 5 No. 7. On evangelicals’ sell-out of their faith in the biggest power grab in American history.
The Super Power We’re Most Afraid to Use
The Southern Baptists recently made news by kicking out congregations with female pastors, including the California megachurch Saddleback Church and Fern Creek Baptist of Louisville, Kentucky.
OHF WEEKLY, VOL. 5 NO. 7: Editor’s Letter, “Frederick Douglass: An American in Ireland”(Part 1), and a quote by Rosa Parks.
OHF WEEKLY, VOL. 5 NO. 6: Editor’s Letter, “Is God Love?,” “My Journey into Blackness,” “On Icons and Justice,” ”Respect and Love,” and “When Confronting Racism, All You Need Is Love. Well, Sort Of”
It’s said that the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. carried a copy of Howard Thurman’s seminal book Jesus and the Disinherited on his travels. Question is: are Jesus’ teachings even relevant to the Christian faith in America?