“To All the Beautiful Black Women”
A Tapestry poem by Sherry Kappel
A Tapestry poem by Sherry Kappel
OHF WEEKLY, VOL. 5 NO. 9: Editor’s Letter, “The Way Forward: Race, Gender, Class and Queer Intersectionality as Survival,” and a quote by Lizzo.
An address by Max S. Gordon given at Union College for LGBTQ Pride, Schenectady, New York, April 19, 2018
OHF WEEKLY, VOL 4 NO 28: Stephen Matlock on making allyship a reality; Sherry Kappel on supporting Black People through thick and thin; and Madison Pattin on helping white people discuss racism with family and friends.
In an industry that empowered only white men, Betty White stood up for racial equity
We need to remember everyone is trying to figure out this life. Everyone has challenges. Everyone struggles. Everyone is simply human