Why Do We Show Up to Vote?
OHF WEEKLY, VOL 4 NO 39: Sherry Kappel on why we show up to vote; Michael Greiner on two separate strategies politicians and the superrich know that you should know, too; and a quote by Coretta Scott King
OHF WEEKLY, VOL 4 NO 39: Sherry Kappel on why we show up to vote; Michael Greiner on two separate strategies politicians and the superrich know that you should know, too; and a quote by Coretta Scott King
OHF WEEKLY, VOL 4 NO 35: Sherry Kappel on the ways we form our identity and how racism negatively impacts that development; William Spivey with a retrospect about Black Americans’ ongoing fight to secure voting rights; Clay Rivers on nurturing advocacy in others; and a quote by Simone Biles.
For much of American history, voting has been a life and death proposition for Black people. Let’s revisit some of that history lest we forget what it took to get where we are and why we’re still fighting for the right to vote.
There are two primary areas where Jim Crow's spirit has cropped back up . . . voter suppression and the filibuster in the US Senate
What you loved was the cruelty. The meanness, the spite, the ability to say whatever you wanted, to hurt anyone you wanted
Politicians know voting is about power, and you should, too.