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Love Letters to the Family

OHF WEEKLY, VOL. 5 NO. 6: Editor’s Letter, “Is God Love?,” “My Journey into Blackness,” “On Icons and Justice,” ”Respect and Love,” and “When Confronting Racism, All You Need Is Love. Well, Sort Of”

The Race Massacres They Never Taught Us About in School

The only race massacre in American history I learned about in K-12 school was of the slaughter of white soldiers. We were also taught about the Trail of Tears, though in retrospect, it seems our history classes spent as much time on that one event as on all the centuries of slavery itself.

Afrophobia. Yes, It’s a Thing.

What makes some folks think it’s acceptable to treat Black people with contempt ranging from the veiled to the brazenly naked? And why do other folks treat us as the peers we are? You know, with genuine conviviality and all? After living in Black skin every day for well...

Racism Masked as Fandom

OHF WEEKLY, VOL 4 NO 37: Clay Rivers on racism masking itself as fandom; the Jesse Wilson’s OHF Family Tree interview, Sylvia Wohlfarth’s award-winning “Down the Rabbit Hole,” and a quote from former First Lady Michelle Obama.

Exactly How Much Hatred Is Enough?

OHF WEEKLY, VOL 4 NO 33: Clay Rivers asks “Exactly How Much Hatred Is Enough?”; Peter Faur on St. Louis’ residual Jim Crow racism; all hail, the Queen of Soul; Sherry Kappel’s wake-up call for would-be allies; and a quote by bell hooks.

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