“Frederick Douglass”
A Tapestry poem by Sylvia Wohlfarth
A Tapestry poem by Sylvia Wohlfarth
The text of abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman Frederick Douglass’s July 5, 1852, speech in his hometown of Rochester, New York.
The third and final installment of Sylvia Wohlfarth’s series on Frederick Douglass’s adventures in Ireland.
OHF WEEKLY, VOL 4 NO 2: The third and final installment of Sylvia Wohlfarth’s series on Frederick Douglass’s adventures in Ireland
Frederick Douglass lectured on anti-slavery, temperance, women’s rights, racism, and social justice for all. He also edited and owned newspapers.
The most celebrated Black man of his era, Frederick Douglass was also the most photographed American of any race in the 19th century.