“Florida Is Openly Hostile to African Americans . . . ”
OHF WEEKLY, VOL. 5 NO. 19: Editor’s Letter, “The First Allies of George Floyd,” Tina Turner, OHF Weekly + Mastodon, and a quote by Tina Turner.
OHF WEEKLY, VOL. 5 NO. 19: Editor’s Letter, “The First Allies of George Floyd,” Tina Turner, OHF Weekly + Mastodon, and a quote by Tina Turner.
OHF WEEKLY, VOL. 5 NO. 8: Editor’s Letter, “Groveland: Restoring its History Black Cemetery,” and a quote by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Some would have us believe that learning about Black history will divide people and make matters worse. The folks in Groveland know better.
The Ocoee Massacre is still considered the bloodiest day in modern American political history.
OHF Weekly takes look back when the forty-nine people murdered at Pulse, an LGBTQ club in Orlando, were honored in a community-wide candlelight vigil.