The Marley K Issue
The Marley K Issue: On the pervasiveness of white supremacy, the cost of speaking the truth, and the backstory on her straight-no-chaser style
Marley K writes articles that balance information mixed with hard truths in understanding and dismantling white supremacy; and focus on anti-racism, politics, policy, life lessons, and current events.
The Marley K Issue: On the pervasiveness of white supremacy, the cost of speaking the truth, and the backstory on her straight-no-chaser style
A bad day for white terrorists can get better pretty quickly after they’ve done the inhumane
Debunking the myth of a monolithic Black America.
Microaggressions are the crimes, impediments, and abuses committed by white people and People of Color because they dislike the color of a person’s skin or they’ve deemed certain racial and ethnic groups inferior to their own
For Black children to have a fighting chance at getting a good education and a promising future, parents must take an active role in the process and not assume all teachers are looking out for their kids.