Diversity Must Transcend Fear
Research concludes that the distrust many white people have for their neighbors is a result of their own discomfort with living among diverse racial groups.
Rising from poverty to president affords insights affirming DEI. My career in higher ed. and workforce development; consultancies; and writing evidence leadership and guide as my life's work.
Research concludes that the distrust many white people have for their neighbors is a result of their own discomfort with living among diverse racial groups.
Parents’ opinion of diversity — age, race, and sexual orientation, for example — inform our children’s ability to manage the stress of the U.S.’s culture wars.
If regard for genocide and antisemitism are made out to be no more than manipulations for gain, who will listen when the wolf stands at the door?
During a recent six-hour grilling, a new reality emerged: Attitude now gives license to punish others — a way of being that re-concretizes a pigmentocracy’s values.
African Americans have chosen to be aspirational in pursuit of freedom from oppression and injustice, as opposed to terrorism and deconstructionist thinking.
Gun violence and mass casualties are acceptable in the U.S. due to the country’s tolerance of mob rule and the hypocrisy of its disdain for thug life.